**** Borough Meeting Highlights 04-05-24

**** Borough Meeting Highlights 04-05-24

Dear West Wildwood Neighbors,

The fourth monthly borough meeting of 2024 was held on Friday, April 5th at 7:00 pm in the borough hall.  Approximately 25 people were in attendance.   Mayor Ksiazek, Commissioners Banning and Segrest, Municipal Clerk Donna Frederick, Deputy Clerk Carl O’Hala, CFO Elaine Crowley, Solicitor Lyons and the borough engineers were present.


The NJ DEP notified the borough that an application was submitted for a fixed pier and two new open boat lifts at 5 Bay Avenue.


  • Ordinance #620 (2024) – second reading/public hearing – Setting the borough’s sewer connection fees and sewer charges.  This relates to new construction hook ups and will allow the borough to begin billing for sewer services in the 1st quarter after the service is hooked up.  Sewer rates are not increasing.
  • Ordinance #621 (2024) – second reading/public hearing – Exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits by 3.5% and establish a cap bank for CY 2024.
  • Ordinance #622(2024) – second reading /public hearing – Approving the application for the street encroachment/obstruction in accordance with the borough ordinance #612 (2023).  A form must be completed and payment of fees to the borough if a street is blocked or closed.
  • Ordinance #624 (2024) – second reading/public hearing – Adopting a revision and codification of the borough’s ordinances.  Allows for the online retrieval of information.
  • Ordinance #624 (2024) – second reading/public hearing – Amending Section 75-4 of the borough’s code related to the employment of off duty Borough of West Wildwood’s police officers for traffic duty etc. if required for construction projects and other activities.
  • Ordinance #619 (2024) – first reading/introduction – Amending the previous land development ordinance and addresses minimum side yard setbacks, accessory buildings,structures, curb cuts, etc.  (2nd reading 05/03/24).
  • Ordinance #625 (2024) – first reading/introduction – repealing ordinance #572 (2019).  Established rules, regulations, and fees for the use of the variable sign message board.  (2nd reading 05/03/24).

RESOLUTIONS #2024-031 through #2024-044 relate to the following:

  • Authorizing reading of the municipal budget by title only before adoption.
  • Borough wide yard sale date of Saturday, June 1st.  Rain date to be Sunday, June 2nd and free bulk trash pickup on Monday, June 3rd.
  • July 4th parade to be held on Glenwood Avenue on Thursday, July 4th.
  • Appointment of alternate registrars.
  • Allows for borough engineers to proceed with tax map maintenance and revision services prior to the revaluation in 2026 as required.
  • Support for the Wildwood Business Improvement project to replace the Wildwood Boardwalk tram cars.
  • Change order #1/final related to Lake Road roadway and drainage improvement project.
  • Appointment of members to the Borough of West Wildwood Planning Board.

The commissioner reports were presented, and they will be available in their entirety on the Borough website.  If you would like a copy of any report, please request it via our email address below or OPRA it directly from Borough Hall.


  • Reinstall cap stones at Venice Park.
  • Coordinate inspections, oil change and maintenance of police and borough vehicles.
  • Pick up trash, yard waste recyclables and empty doggie stations waste.
  • Monitor roof leaks in police station and borough hall.
  • Install new ceiling tiles in police station.
  • Weed whack and mow lawns.
  • Assist contractor with dialer at 26th Street pumping station.


  • Beach parking should be completed by mid-April.
  • The Maple Avenue project is a bit delayed due to above average rainfall in March.
  • A Department of Transportation grant application will be submitted for storm water improvements and re-grading the south end of J Avenue.
  • Playground equipment should be installed by Memorial Day.
  • The DOT will inspect the Lake Road project to finalize.  Sprinkler and sod installation is scheduled for completion.
  • Base plans are prepared for the north end of J Avenue ($187,000 DOT grant) and Neptune Avenue bulkhead/storm water management project ($400,000 Cape May County funding).
  • Awaiting final reimbursement for West Pine Avenue project and Poplar and G Avenues project.
  • The borough hall roof is in the process of receiving bids and a decision may be made in April.


  • The 2024 operating budget was reviewed. Total appropriations (approximate) are $3,890,000.
  • The local tax levy is $2,766,000, a 7.4% increase over 2023.
  • The 2024 budget utilizes $664,000 of an available $1,018,000 surplus to balance the budget.
  • The net impact is zero on the local tax rate.
  • A small decrease in the county tax will be offset by an increase in the school tax over two years.
  • The net increase is expected to be 2 cents on the overall tax rate.
  • The focus in 2024 will be as follows:
    • Pay down debt using a substantial portion of the surplus.  The borough has decided to pay off a significant amount of debt rather than transitioning to long-term financing at currently high interest rates, as required after 10 years of carrying the debt.
    • Completion of currently funded capital projects:
      • Maple Avenue reconstruction (USDA funds).
      • North block of J Avenue (NJ DOT funds).
      • Neptune Avenue bulkhead (CMC funds).
      • West block of Maple Avenue paving (NJ DOT funds) and continued vigilance on the sewer system.
  • Improvement to public spaces including the electronic sign outside borough hall, playground improvements and parking, all funded with UEZ grants.
  • Debt service, salaries, contributions to capital, streets and roads, insurance and police department budget have all increased.
  • Pensions, grant expenditures and deferred charges from 2023 have all decreased.
  • The Living Shoreline project is still in the evaluation phase.  The Flood Mitigation planning project was awarded and there will be a kickoff meeting on April 19th.  The $216,000 study will help identify and overall plan for the borough and improve the probability of future FEMA grants.
  • The Neptune Avenue manhole project was completed.  No data is available for March flow rates currently.
  • The borough has committed to three Fair Share Housing projects over five years.  Please see the borough’s website for requirements to participate or contact borough hall for details.
  • The sewer budget for 2024 is $982,000. An increase of approximately 11.6%.  There will be no increase to the 2024 sewer rate.  $200,000 of a sewer utility surplus ($234,000) was used to balance the 2024 budget.
  • CMCMUA charges are $603,000, an increase of almost $100,000 from the previous year.  This was the result of 2023 excess charge of almost $53,000 and a corresponding increase to our forecasted charges.

PUBLIC SAFETY (451 calls for service 03/01-03/31/24):

  • Three motor vehicle stops as well as six parking complaints/violations.
  • Two animal complaints and five general complaints were noted.
  • There were 13 medical assists/well-being checks and 242 property checks.
  • Three local ordinance violations and five verbal disputes.


  • A resident questioned the timing of Poplar Avenue repaving by South Jersey Gas.  Although the clerk and borough engineers have requested curb to curb paving on Poplar Avenue down to the 700 block along with portions of G, F, E and D Avenues, no confirmation has been received from SJ Gas.  Residents will be notified in advance of repaving and could occur in mid-April.
  • A resident requested clarification that the Flood Mitigation study is separate from the Living Shoreline Project.
  • A Poplar Avenue resident questioned flooding in front of her home prior to other areas flooding and impeding access to her home.  The borough is aware of the situation and plans to videotape the pipe from the street to identify the problem.
  • No new members were added to the Planning Board per resolution #2024-044.  Expiring terms for existing members were renewed.
  • The two other manholes at Neptune Avenue have been inspected.  They are newer and in better condition than the manhole recently replaced.  At this point, approximately 50% of the manholes on the island have been patched, plugged, and/or replaced.  The goal is to videotape the manholes on the entire island as part of the Maple Avenue project to help pinpoint problem areas, plan and improve future work.  For example, instead of reconstructing the entire roadway, the manhole can be replaced along with a section of the pipe.
  • The solicitor stated the borough has no monetary lawsuits for damages at this time.  There is a land dispute.
  • Approximately two thirds of the sanitary sewer utility budget is the result of flow and leakage.  Commissioner Segrest is working to reduce leaks and will revisit the sewer billing once the flow rates have been reduced.
  • In the future, laterals from the house to the mains may be inspected for a source of leakage, especially in older homes.  The terra-cotta and transite pipes used in the construction of older homes can break down over time and may be contributing to the leakage.
  • A resident asked if the Flood Mitigation study will evaluate private bulkheads.  The borough engineer commented that the study will focus on bulkhead elevations rather than condition.  Mayor Ksiazek indicated the recently passed bulkhead ordinance will address the condition of the bulkheads and compliance will be determined by the borough engineers.
  • The new playground equipment includes: a large seesaw, sensory equipment for children with disabilities and a small climbing apparatus along with replacement swing seats and chains.  A handicapped ramp to enter and exit the playground will be added.  A full shade covering for the existing playground equipment was deemed to be too costly.  Sometime in the future, a covered structure, like the one erected at the park across from borough hall, may be considered for installation at the playground.
  • Although bulkheads would help mitigate flooding, no bulkhead was required when the Holly Bay Condominiums, which is private property on North Avenue were built.  As the undeveloped land is developed in that area, bulkheads will be required.

Best regards,
The CTWWW Advisory Council

Trish Sinnott – President
Mary Anne Welsh – Secretary
Jim Bannan – Director
Susan Czwalina – Treasurer
Vacant – Vice President
Vacant – Director
Vacant – Director
Vacant – Director

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