07 Aug **** Borough Meeting Highlights 05-03-24
Dear West Wildwood Neighbors,
The fifth monthly borough meeting of 2024 was held on Friday, May 3rd at 7:00 pm in the borough hall. Approximately 20 people were in attendance. Mayor Ksiazek, Commissioners Banning and Segrest, Municipal Clerk Donna Frederick, Deputy Clerk Carl O’Hala, Solicitor Lyons and the borough engineers were present.
The NJ DEP notified the borough that an application was submitted for the demolition of an existing bulkhead and installation of a new vinyl bulkhead at 733 West Poplar Avenue.
- Ordinance #619 (2024) – second reading/public hearing – Amending the previous land development ordinance and addresses minimum side yard setbacks, accessory buildings, structures, curb cuts, etc.
- Ordinance #625 (2024) – second reading/public hearing – repealing ordinance #572 (2019). Established rules, regulations, and fees for the use of the variable sign message board.
- Ordinance #626(2024) – First Reading/Introduction – Determines salaries and compensation for elected and appointed officials and employees of the Borough of West Wildwood. (2nd reading 06/07/24)
- Ordinance #627(2024) – First Reading/Introduction – Storm Water Quality / Tree Removal and Replacement. The NJ DEP requires that if a tree is cut down, it must be replaced.
RESOLUTIONS #2024-046 through #2024-048 relate to the following:
- Insertion of the 2021 recycling tonnage grant of $1,315.20.
- The borough’s insurer has required a revision to the borough’s employee policy manual and handbook for updates and changes.
- Authorizing the appointment of John Feairheller as Supervisor of Public Works.
The commissioner reports were presented and are available in their entirety on the Borough website. If you would like a copy of any report, please request it via our email address below or OPRA it directly from Borough Hall.
- The Police Department roof continues to leak. Daily check of department to keep area clean of debris.
- Install smoke and CO2 detectors in borough hall. Fire extinguisher inspection.
- Identify HVAC equipment and prepare schedule for filter maintenance.
- Reset manhole grates and check storm inlets and outfalls.
- Prepare annual report for NJ DEP.
- Pick up debris and yard waste around the island including trash and recyclables at borough parks. Maintain doggie station around the island.
- Install new parking signs.
- Assemble new equipment for parks.
- Maintenance of ground equipment.
- Cut grass, weed whack borough properties and sidewalk maintenance adjacent to borough property.
- Coordinate delivery and pickup of former police vehicles and provide routine maintenance of borough owned vehicles.
- Pick up borough purchases.
- Pump station checks and maintenance, and cleaning of sanitary sewer lateral.
- An application for a NJ DOT award will be submitted for J Avenue, from Pine Avenue south.
- Borough Hall roof – bids came in higher than budgeted. Project went out for rebid.
- Beach parking should be completed shortly.
- Playground equipment was installed along with a handicap ramp.
- Bicycle racks and trash cans are assembled and will be installed soon.
- The Maple Avenue USDA project will run into July. The contractor has brought in a second work crew. Plans are for the base coat to be poured in July. The topcoat will be applied post summer season allowing for the ground to settle.
- The borough will not move forward with plans to camera the entire sanitary sewer sewer system as the cost came in at three times the budgeted amount. Current plans are to replace the sanitary sewers and resurface curb to curb from Neptune Avenue to the first manhole.
- Lake Road project – sprinklers, sod and mulch have been installed. Benches are ready to be installed. The NJ DOT is requesting certification that the handicap ramp complies with ADA standards prior to project reimbursement.
- The borough engineers, Remington & Vernick, are in the process of inspecting three bulkheads.
- Base plans are prepared for the north end of J Avenue ($187,000 DOT grant) and Neptune Avenue bulkhead/storm water management project ($400,000 CMC funding).
- Awaiting final reimbursement for West Pine Avenue and Poplar Avenue.
- Atlantic City Electric is sponsoring an air conditioner and dehumidifier recycling event on May 4th at Lowe’s from 9am to 1pm. You can receive $25 per recycled unit.
- Borough wide yard sale is Saturday, June 1st with rain date being Sunday, June 2nd.
- Borough bulk trash day is Monday, June 3rd.
- Cape May Community Day is Thursday, May 30th from 1pm to 6pm at Wildwood Convention Center. Free health screenings will be available.
- Primary election day is Tuesday, June 4th from 6am to 8pm.
- Overall, the borough accounts are at 25% of the budget.
- Anyone interested in the Fair Share Housing Project should contact borough hall to get more information.
PUBLIC SAFETY (230 calls for service 04/01-04/30/24):
- One motor vehicle stop as well as six parking complaints/violations.
- Eighteen general complaints were noted.
- There were seven medical assists/well-being checks and 96 property checks.
- Three local ordinance violations and five verbal disputes.
- March sewer flow rates were not good. Commissioner Segrest could not determine the impact of March rainfall totals on sewer flow rates. He will work with the newly hired Public Works Supervisor, John Feairheller, to begin inspecting sanitary sewer lines.
- Cape May County has required the BOWW to begin a property reevaluation process by 2026, to be completed by 2027. The assessed value should fall within 80% of market value. The current selling prices of homes in the borough are significantly higher than the assessed value, thus requiring the reevaluation process.
- A homeowner provided positive feedback on the new sign outside of borough hall. The ordinance regarding message posting and cost will be fine-tuned. The commissioners may apply to replace the electronic sign on the bridge. The police department operates this sign and messaging is limited as cars should not stop on the bridge to read it.
- No updates on the back bay dredging project. The permit has been extended times. Excessive rainfall may have hampered the ability to dewater the material. Mayor Ksiazek said he would provide an update at the next meeting.
- The kickoff meeting was held for The Flood Mitigation Study. The award document was reviewed, including the rules of the contract. No news on The Living Shoreline Project.
- Beach cleanup is scheduled just prior to Memorial Day. A homeowner reported furniture and trash was dumped in front of the bulkhead. Public works will be sent out to clean up the items.
- A homeowner followed up on her comments from the meeting in February regarding curb repainting of the faded yellow lines indicating no parking. The mayor will discuss with the new public works supervisor. In addition, the homeowner believes the parking signs are facing the wrong direction. Commissioner Banning noted the violation issue is parking against the flow of traffic. Concerns were also raised that homeowners were not able to get out of their street for an emergency call and illegal parking will increase as the summer season approaches. He requested the homeowner share her pictures with him.
- A homeowner notified the borough that tar paper from the property currently being torn down is blowing all about. Code enforcement will be notified. Work has resumed on the property after being temporarily stopped due to asbestos.
We encourage you to listen to the audio from the meeting to have a better understanding of actual comments.
Best regards,
The CTWWW Advisory Council
Trish Sinnott – President
Mary Anne Welsh – Secretary
Jim Bannan – Director
Susan Czwalina – Treasurer
Vacant – Vice President
Vacant – Director
Vacant – Director
Vacant – Director