07 Jul Borough Meeting Highlights 07-01-2020
Dear West Wildwood Neighbors,
The monthly Borough meeting was held on Wednesday, July 1, 2020 @ 5pm via Zoom and approximately 11 taxpayers attended. Mayor Fox, Commissioners Golden and Korobellis, Solicitor Bittner, Municipal Clerk Donna Frederick were also present.
Resolutions were read relating to housekeeping items such as, the Borough’s renewal of its JIF membership and a DEP permit for a pier, dock and bulkhead on a 26th St. property.
Two late agenda items included resolutions for the engineering, planning & design for reconstruction of Poplar Avenue between Arion Avenue & G Avenue and G Avenue between Poplar & Glenwood Avenues and also, legal advertisements will be placed for public bids related to the reconstruction project.
Resolution 2020-055 relates to an agreement between the Borough and the Fair Share Housing Center. Although the Borough has no development potential for affordable housing, a settlement was reached with COAH that will provide immunity from builders’ lawsuits through July, 2025. To comply with the settlement the Borough must do the following:
- Promote affordable housing as part of the master plan
- Adopt three zoning ordinances
- Assess a 1% fee on new construction which will be combined with other funds to provide grants for eligible homeowners & landlords to bring properties up to code.
- The Borough is required to pay $3,000 in legal fees, which is standard.
Public comment/questions included the following:
Mayor Fox indicated there is no update on his ethics violations.
The Master Plan was finalized; however, it needs to be updated for the recent COAH settlement mentioned above. It was requested the Master Plan include an updated history of the island of West Wildwood.
A DOT grant for Pine Avenue includes the blocks from P Avenue to the intersection of Lake Road. This area is prone to significant flooding.
The beach will be monitored daily by Public Works and cleaned as necessary.
The access ramp for the police department is in the process of design. The reimbursement of funds for the beach ramp will not occur until the police department ramp is complete. The balance of the original grant most likely will not be enough to complete the police department upgrades. The Borough may need to issue a bond ordinance to complete it but it is unknown at this time.
Various questions were raised related to checks issued, finances, purchasing & the operating budget.
The audio from the meeting is available on the CTWWW.org website.
The CTWWW Advisory Council