Borough Meeting Highlights 07-02-2021

Borough Meeting Highlights 07-02-2021

Dear West Wildwood Neighbors,

The seventh monthly borough meeting of 2021 was held on Friday, July 2nd at 7:00 pm in Borough Hall and approximately 45 individuals attended.  Mayor Ksiazek, Commissioners Banning and Segrest, Municipal Clerk Donna Frederick, Deputy Clerk Carl O’Hala and Solicitor Lyons were present.

The meeting began with Commissioner Banning introducing our two newest police officers.  The officers were sworn in by Municipal Clerk Donna Frederick.  Officer Matthew Riley and Officer Hayden Denham were welcomed by all in attendance.  The Police Chief Jackie Ferentz and Sgt. James Dodd, were also in attendance for the ceremony.

The Borough received legal notification from an engineering firm regarding the DEP submission for a coastal zone management general permit and waterfront development (individual permit) for a single-family home or duplex, along with a floating dock, at 664 and 666 West 26th Street.

Ordinance #594 (2021) was adopted which prohibits ALL smoking in public places (sidewalks are exempt).  The governing body felt it necessary given the recent legalization of cannabis in New Jersey.  There were no public comments on this ordinance.

Resolutions #2021-087 through #2021-092 were passed although res. #2021-090 was tabled until it can be further discussed at the next workshop meeting.  Most resolutions were related to borough housekeeping issues.

The commissioners all presented their reports and should be available on the Borough website.  If you need a copy of any report, please request it via our email or you can OPRA it from Borough Hall.

Commissioner Segrest (Revenue and Finance) reported that most borough accounts are at approximately 50% which falls in line with the mid-point of the calendar year.  Areas above 50% included, Uniform Construction Code at 57%, Public Events at 53%, Statutory expenditures at 78% and Judgements at 58%.  He also reported the holding period for the most recent bond ordinances (Capital Improvements and Judgement) ended June 30 and the borough will move forward with the issuance of these bonds.  The Borough is tentatively scheduled to appear before the NJ Local Services Finance Board in August to get necessary approval for the Judgement Bond.

Mayor Ksiazek (Public Works) reported 93 work orders for the month of June. There were 24 work orders related to Borough parks maintenance and 5 work orders to clean the beach of salt grass.  Additional work orders can be found on the Borough website.

Commissioner Banning (Public Safety) reported a total of 335 calls for service of which 47 were for parking complaints/violations and 40 involved motor vehicle stops.  Please be reminded that you cannot reserve parking spots for anyone, anywhere.

Public comments included the following:

  • Parking concerns were raised. The development of new homes, rental of homes and possibly boaters whose boats are docked at the marina may have contributed to the problem.  A taxpayer suggested the Borough consider dedicated areas for public parking.  The commissioners plan to discuss the issue at the July workshop meeting.  An item of note is parking at the firehouse is discouraged because the fire department vehicles need to be able to respond to emergencies promptly.  If private vehicles are parked there, the potential for a serious problem could occur in the event of an emergency.
  • Deteriorating benches were removed from some parks. Mayor Ksiazek felt they were a hazard.  The plaques from the removed benches are available at the Borough office.  Benches made from recycled plastic will be purchased in the future to sustain the effects of the salt spray.  The mayor will speak with the Clerk about the possibility of accepting public donations for new benches in an effort to get the benches sooner.
  • A question was raised regarding the Chief of Police 5-year contract approved by the prior administration. Solicitor Lyons responded that the contract is binding on successor boards.  He also said there are provisions that can be reviewed but as a general principle it is a binding contract on the Borough.
  • A policy for formal employee evaluations has not been put in writing at this point per Commissioner Banning. When it come to the Chief’s evaluation, he will conduct the evaluation.  The commissioners and solicitor agreed to discuss the formal evaluation process for all employees at the next workshop meeting.
  • The mayor provided an update on The Living Shoreline project. The draft permit prepared approximately 3 years ago by the engineering firm is no longer valid as the NJDEP requires a survey within 6 months.  If there are no drastic changes with a new survey, the engineering company has agreed to move forward with the plans and get the Borough through the permitting process.  The cost of the bathymetric survey is approximately $12,000.  The commissioners will discuss funding for the survey at the next workshop meeting.
  • A ‘Beautification Fund” was established by the Borough to allow for donations and grass roots funding. Direct fund raising by the Borough is restricted and can be difficult to oversee by the Borough.
  • The sustainable New Jersey program, resolution #2021-089, requires a Green Team of volunteers to decide on different ways to enhance and beautify the Borough.

We urge you to listen to the audio from the meeting to have a better understanding of actual comments which available on our website.

Enjoy your summer and hope to see you around the island!

The CTWWW Advisory Council

Trish Sinnott – President
Mary Anne Welsh – Secretary
Jim Bannan – Director
Susan Czwalina – Treasurer
Vacant – Vice President
Vacant – Director
Vacant – Director
Vacant – Director

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