**** Borough Meeting Highlights 07-05-24

**** Borough Meeting Highlights 07-05-24

Dear West Wildwood Neighbors,

The seventh monthly borough meeting of 2024 was held on Friday, July 5th at 7:00 pm in the borough hall.  Approximately 20 people were in attendance.   Mayor Ksaizek Commissioners Banning and Segrest, Municipal Clerk Donna Frederick, Deputy Clerk Carl O’Hala, Solicitor Lyons and engineering firm representatives were present.


  • Ordinance #628(2024) – First Reading/Introduction – Requirement for the inspection of lead-based paints in certain residential dwellings.

RESOLUTIONS #2024-064 through #2024-066 relate to the following:

  • Adoption of the 2023 calendar year audit.
  • Refund of planning board escrow funds.
  • Approval to submit a grant application to the NJ DOT for improvements to the south end of J Ave (Pine Avenue to the terminus).

The commissioner’s reports were presented and are available in their entirety on the Borough website.  If you would like a copy of any report, please request it via our email address below or OPRA it directly from Borough Hall.


  • Check Police Department daily due to roof leak.
  • Borough Hall and Public Works housekeeping.
  • Smoke detector and lighting maintenance.
  • Clean and resolve sanitary clog.
  • Borough Hall set up for Election Day and monthly borough meeting.
  • Pick up debris around the island.
  • Paint curbs, Utility mark outs.
  • Street sweeping.
  • Bike rack assembly and park equipment installation.
  • Pick up trash, recyclables, yard, and dog waste around island.
  • Maintain ground/lawn equipment, cut grass, and weed whack.
  • Public Works and Police Department vehicle checks, maintenance, and registrations.
  • Test Public Works eye wash station.
  • Pump station checks, lateral disconnect inspection, sanitary sewer pump service,
  • Sanitary pump control maintenance and sanitary manhole and lateral inspections for I and I.
  • System inspection by the NJ DEP inspector.


  • The borough received a $66,000 recreation improvement grant.  Plans include resurfacing the basketball courts, new hoops, and pickle ball courts.
  • A 2025 application for a NJ DOT was submitted on June 26th for J Avenue, from Pine Avenue south per Resolution #2024- 052.
  • Borough Hall Roof – the borough received no bids; therefore, the governing body will seek repair estimates outside of the bid process.  Currently negotiating with a private contractor.


  • North end (Poplar Avenue to Glenwood Avenue) of J Avenue ($187,000 DOT grant).
  • Neptune Avenue Bulkhead /storm water management project ($400,000 CMC funding).  Meeting to be held on July 10, 2024.


  • Beach parking – completed.
  • Poplar and G Avenues – awaiting minor reimbursement.
  • Lake Road – completed and awaiting certificate of approval and closeout.
  • West Pine – completed and reimbursement has been issued.
  • Manhole rehabilitation and replacement completed on the south end of the island.
  • Maple Avenue USDA project: Estimated to be completed by July 15th.  A coordinated effort will be made to notify homeowners and others that all cars must be moved for contractor to sweep streets (Maple and side streets) prior to application of final topcoat.
  • Borough engineers, Remington & Vernick, have inspected three bulkheads and submitted reports. Reports are under review.


  • Overall, borough accounts are 35% expended.
  • Sewer utility data – no updated flow rates.  John Feairheller, Supervisor of Public Works, is checking laterals attempting to locate leaks and problems around the island.
  • Quick reminder the BOWW has committed to three Fair Share Housing Projects.  Anyone who meets the low-income standards should contact the borough to get more information.

PUBLIC SAFETY (228 calls for service 06/01-06/30/24):

  • Twenty motor vehicle stops, one motor vehicle accident and 23 parking complaints.
  • Sixteen general complaints were addressed.
  • There were 10 medical assists/well-being checks and 19 property checks.
  • Five local ordinance violations and four verbal disputes.
  • Two suspicious persons/vehicle/activity, two thefts and three noise complaints were also listed on the police activity report for June.


  • A resident questioned why a fence has not been put up around a property on Glenwood Avenue that is being demolished by hand.  Currently there is a pile of rubble, and the safety of neighbors and local children is a concern. Commissioner Banning will notify the borough’s code enforcement officer to evaluate the site and identify any violations.
  • A resident voiced their concern about an ongoing bulkhead problem at a private residence on Lake Road.  For years, the bulkhead has been leaking.  A new bulkhead was installed; however, returns are missing, which the ordinance requires.  The resident questioned if the bulkhead was permitted and inspected?  The mayor indicated the property owner recently submitted building plans.  The borough’s new bulkhead ordinance must be followed and passed before a building permit is issued.  A complaint was filed with the borough.
  • A resident of the south end of Maple Avenue questioned when the street improvement project will be complete.  The commissioners said the piping is finished and the topcoat paving will be completed next week.  Additional funds are available for sidewalks from Avenue E to the end of Maple Avenue and will be part of the next phase.  The resident requested that homeowners receive adequate advance notice of paving.  The mayor said at least 24 to 48 hours, if not more, will be given.  A safety concern was raised that exposed rebar and manholes were left unsecured. The mayor will address this issue with the contractor.
  • A resident represented concerns of many homeowners from Avenues Q, R and S.  She stated her son was almost hit by a vehicle and believes a serious accident will occur.  Parking right up to the corners and stop signs, blocked driveways and cars and disregard for stop signs all contribute to this possibility.  She also questioned why she and visitors to her home have received tickets while illegally parked cars are not ticketed.  The mayor stated he is working with the Public Works department to repaint faded curbs and install signage.  Commissioner Banning said property owners are permitted to block their own driveway or give permission to others to block their driveway.  The resident also commented a particular police officer can be friendlier with children.  Commissioner Banning will discuss these concerns with Police Chief Ferentz.
  • Concerns were raised about the intersection of West Pine Avenue and Lake Road.  Several residents commented drivers are confused by a stop sign and “stop” painted on the roadway.  Car drivers and golf carts ignore both.  Traffic from the marina and two restaurants and the lack of parking exacerbates the problem.  The mayor said he will request the engineers to evaluate the intersection.
  • A resident asked to clarify permit requirements for docks/bulkheads and pilings.  The engineers and commissioners believe the following:
    • To replace a bulkhead in kind, no permit is required from the NJ DEP; however, the borough does require a permit and must be inspected by the borough engineers.
    • To extend, renovate or move and existing dock you must receive a permit from the NJ DEP.
    • To add or move pilings you must receive a permit from the NJ DEP.
    • To replace existing pilings in kind, no permit is necessary.
    • It was suggested to contact the NJ DEP prior to starting your project and discuss the permitting requirements.
  • Although the grant application was filed for J Avenue, no official design plans have been prepared at this time.  Storm water management will be included in the project.  The mayor indicated the borough should receive notification this fall of the award.  Commissioner Segrest will determine how much can be bonded to fund this project.
  • The solicitor stated there are no pending legal actions for damages against the borough at this time.
  • The flex valves scheduled to be replaced by the county should occur sometime in the fall.  These will cover the following four locations:  F and Poplar, Arion, foot of Glenwood Avenue bridge and Bay Avenue.  The borough was able to contract through shared services to replace an additional four valves around the island.
  • The flagpole at Venice Park was broken but will be erected again.
  • No update on the Living Shore Project.
  • A resident thanked the commissioners for a great 4th of July parade and festivities.  More than 300 bags were prepared for the children’s parade.

Dredging will continue in the back bay.  The 26th Street site is full of dredged material and will be trucked out in the fall.  Newly dredged material will be stored in Wildwood.  The project itself is currently behind schedule.

We encourage you to listen to the audio from the meeting to have a better understanding of actual comments.

Best regards,
The CTWWW Advisory Council

Trish Sinnott – President
Mary Anne Welsh – Secretary
Jim Bannan – Director
Susan Czwalina – Treasurer
Vacant – Vice President
Vacant – Director
Vacant – Director
Vacant – Director

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