14 Sep Borough Meeting Highlights 09-02-2020
Dear West Wildwood Neighbors,
The monthly Borough meeting was held on Wednesday, September 2nd at 5:00 pm via Zoom and approximately 22 individuals attended. Mayor Fox, Commissioners Golden and Korobellis, Solicitor Bittner and Municipal Clerk Donna Frederick were also present.
Official business included the renewal of a liquor license for West Wildwood Liquor Store by way of resolution #2020-069.
Public comment discussions included the following:
• The Borough Clerk announced she has certified 6 petitions and the following candidates will appear on the ballot. The order on the ballot to be determined at a later date. Three commissioners will be elected on November 3, 2020.
1. John Banning
2. Christopher Fox
3. Scott Golden
4. Amy Korobellis
5. Matt Ksiazek
6. Joe Segrest
• The Poplar Avenue sewer project is moving forward. A preconstruction meeting will be held on September 10th. Construction should begin shortly thereafter. The time frame is between October through December.
• Mayor Fox has not yet made any decision to change the Zoom monthly borough meeting from Wednesdays at 5:00 pm to Fridays at 7:00 pm in order to accommodate all taxpayers.
• An update or status of the $63,000 West Wildwood liability related to the $215,000 Mawhinney lawsuit settlement was requested. The governing body did not have the information on hand and will follow up in the near future. The Mayor did indicate the money has been budgeted for and asked Commissioner Korobellis to follow-up with the Borough CFO and get back to us. The money is ‘most likely’ located as an appropriation under legal expense on the budget per Mayor Fox.
• Regarding legal issues, Solicitor Bittner would not allow comment or discussion on the employee Brady Letter matter. She did say, however, the employee discipline matter has not been resolved. Also, there are no new lawsuits or legal issues the public or taxpayers need to be concerned with.
• The Clean Community Day event is pending due to the coronavirus. In the past, the event occurred in October. The Borough received a grant for this and hopefully the
• state will allow us to use it later than originally scheduled. The Mayor is following-up on it and will keep us informed.
• Trick or treating on Halloween is to be determined, as well.
• According to Mayor Fox, there is no update on his ethics violations.
• Regarding the Living Shoreline project, Solicitor Bittner has not been successful contacting the homeowner’s new attorney nor the DEP. She submitted an OPRA request to the DEP to determine property violations.
• Monitoring of sewer caps, most likely will continue on a quarterly basis, to help reduce storm water intrusion and related sewer charges which affects all taxpayers.
• In conclusion, the Prosecutor’s Office has let Commissioner Golden know that this election will be “unlike any other” and “all voter registrations will be taken very seriously”. They plan to investigate anything “out of the ordinary”. Mayor Fox concluded the meeting saying “it is an absolute crime and you will go to jail for it” (voter fraud).
Voting information can be found on-line at the Cape May County Clerk’s website: https://www.capemaycountyvotes.com/. Voter registration forms are also available in the borough office.
The audio from the meeting is available on the CTWWW.org website. The highlights are also available on the CTWWW website at https://ctwww.org/borough-meeting-highlights-09-02-2020/ along with the police and public works reports for August, 2020 and the finance report as of September 2, 2020.
The CTWWW Advisory Council
Trish Sinnott – President
Mary Anne Welsh – Secretary
Vacant – Vice President
Jim Bannan – Director
Charles Chepak – Director
Susan Czwalina – Treasurer
Vacant – Director
Vacant – Director
Vacant – Director