Borough Meeting Highlights 10-07-2020

Borough Meeting Highlights 10-07-2020

Dear West Wildwood Neighbors,

The monthly Borough meeting was held on Wednesday, October 7th at 5:00 pm via Zoom and approximately 25 individuals attended. Mayor Fox, Commissioners Golden and Korobellis, Solicitor Bittner and Municipal Clerk Donna Frederick were also present.

The clerk indicated that the 4th quarter tax bills have been mailed and the DEP has issued a CAFRA permit for 600 W. 26th Street to construct 4 single family homes and associated improvements.

Official business included the following resolutions:

#2020-070 – CMC as lead agency in preparing bid specifications to supply rock salt
#2020-071 – Assessment of grass cutting costs for 2 properties on W. Maple Avenue
#2020-072 – Renewal of a liquor license for West Side Saloon
#2020-073 – Trick or Treat will be held on Saturday, October 31st from 5-8pm
#2020-074 – Removed from the agenda

Mayor Fox reminded everyone that the semi-annual Free Bulk Trash Day will be held on Monday, October 19th. A maximum of 5 household items will be allowed. No construction or demolition materials will be picked up.

He followed up with the Clean Communities Day being scheduled for Saturday, November 7, 2020 from 10:00 am to noon, beginning at Borough Hall.

Solicitor Bittner provided a summary of the proposed Fair Housing settlement agreement. A virtual hearing will be held on October 29, 2020 @ 10:00 am to determine fairness of the proposed agreement. Compliance with the Fair Housing policy is recommended, otherwise the BOWW could face non-compliance lawsuits. Approval of the settlement agreement by the judge would provide immunity for 5 years. Please see the borough website for more details and listen to the recording of the borough meeting for details of the proposed terms.

Public comments included the following:
• Several questions were raised related to the proposed Fair Housing Agreement including allowing prospective developers to vacate paper streets, blocking access to conservation areas and private lots, who would be responsible for providing infrastructure for development, DEP approval, payment for the vacated paper streets and if any members of the governing body or employees of BOWW have any vested interest in the development areas referenced in the Fair Housing agreement.
• The Poplar Avenue sewer project has been given the green light to begin. A question arose regarding Lexa Concrete’s website indicating the business was permanently closed. The mayor said he would look into the matter and discuss it at next month’s meeting.
• There is a new lawsuit! The Borough has been served with a lawsuit along with employees, officials & other unrelated individuals and was filed by former Mayor Frederick. The complaint has been referred to JIF. An OPRA will be submitted to get additional information.
• The Living Shoreline Project – DEP was contacted to provide property violations for the 26th Street property that must be accessed. The DEP is months behind in requests due to COVID-19.
• Mayor Fox’s ethics violations – A hearing date will be scheduled shortly.
• An employee discipline matter is ongoing and the solicitor says it has nothing to do with any lawsuit.
• Mayor Fox addressed comments in Spout Off regarding fees for boat slips, parking meters, beach tags, and such as all rumors and he thinks the writers of spouts are ‘all losers’.
• Mayor Fox is open-minded and said a decision will be made after the election regarding date and time of the monthly borough meetings.
• Questions and comments were raised regarding the challenges to voter residency. Commissioners refused to discuss the matter since it was not related to official borough business. Election issues or politics will not be discussed during the borough meeting. Taxpayer(s) questioned what forum would be available to question Commissioner Korobellis’ involvement with the voter challenges. In the end, Commissioner Korobellis stated she will reach out to the taxpayers to discuss the challenges.
• The solicitor requested the clerk mute anyone discussing politics and suggested the meeting was becoming disorderly. The mayor did not adjourn the meeting.
• Discussions then ensued regarding the propriety of muting and censoring the public during the borough meeting. The mayor said they (Zoom participants) are trying to ‘sway’ the election.
• In closing, a taxpayer expressed the importance of completing and returning the questionnaire to the Board of Elections. The voter registrations challenged will be upheld (disqualified to vote) if the Board of Elections does not receive additional information to certify the voter.

The audio from the meeting is available on the website. The highlights are also available on the CTWWW website at along with the police and public works reports for September, 2020.


The CTWWW Advisory Council

Trish Sinnott – President
Mary Anne Welsh – Asst. Treasurer
Jim Bannan – Director
Charles Chepak – Director
Susan Czwalina – Treasurer
Vacant – Vice President
Vacant – Secretary
Vacant – Director
Vacant – Director

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