**** Borough Meeting Highlights 11-03-2023

**** Borough Meeting Highlights 11-03-2023

Dear West Wildwood Neighbors,

The eleventh monthly borough meeting of 2023 was held on Friday, November 3rd at 7:00 pm in the borough hall.  Approximately 25 people were in attendance.   Mayor Ksiazek, Commissioners Banning and Segrest, Municipal Clerk Donna Frederick, Deputy Clerk Carl O’Hala, Solicitor Lyons and the borough engineers were present.

The Borough qualifies for $40,000 of state aid related to the Best Practices Inventory.  Funds will be included in the annual budget.

Notification received from the NJ DEP regarding:

  • Construction of a two-family home with a pool at 649 W. Poplar Avenue.
  • 100 linear feet of bulkhead at 684 and 686 W. 26th

Expected 2024 revenue from NJ DCA related to reimbursement of fire safety inspection fees in the amount of $528.

The Borough Public Works Department completed the required training for the Joint Insurance Fund.

ORDINANCE #615 (2023) – second reading/public hearing – repeals and replaces Ordinance #603 (2022).  Establishes uniform regulations for construction and repair of shore protection measures, including bulkheads.  Addresses oversights of the previous ordinance.

ORDINANCE #616 (2023) – second reading/public hearing – sale of borough owned land to contiguous owners of Block 106, lot 9 (639 W. Poplar Avenue).

ORDINANCE #617 (2023) – second reading/public hearing – bond ordinance providing for various capital improvements appropriating $1,476,100 and authorizing the issuance of $1,418,795 in bonds to finance part of the costs of capital projects.  Approximately 60% of the bond will be reimbursed by grants from the county, the DOT and DCA upon completion of the capital projects.

ORDINANCE #618 (2023) – first reading/introduction – accept a drainage easement for a portion of Block 106, lot 9 (639 W. Poplar Avenue). (2nd reading 12/06/23).

RESOLUTIONS #2023-092 through #2023-099 relate to the following:

  • Adoption of the 2022 audit.
  • Authorizing the refunds of planning board escrow funds.
  • Appointment of a member to the West Wildwood Planning Board (Matt Steich).
  • Approval of 2023 budget transfers.
  • Adoption of an updated personnel policies manual, employee, and volunteer handbook.
  • Permission for the dedication by rider for the Affordable Housing Trust Fund.


The commissioner reports were presented, and they will be available in their entirety on the Borough website.  If you would like a copy of any report, please request it via our email address below or OPRA it directly from Borough Hall.



  • Cape May County grant money in the amount of $400,000 will be used to rebuild the bulkhead and install the new flood gate at the north end of Neptune Avenue. The proposal has been received.
  • Urban Enterprise Zone funds in the amount of $90,000 are dedicated to the playground parking project. The project is in the engineering phase and the plan is to advertise, open bids and tentatively award at the December 6th regular meeting.
  • The NJ DOT awarded a grant for J Avenue in the amount of $187,000.
  • An award in the amount of $169,430 for the terminus of Maple Avenue at E Avenue was received.
  • The Maple Avenue project will be advertised November 28th, open bids and tentatively awarded at the January 5th regular meeting.
  • Three manholes at the south end of Neptune Avenue will be rehabbed.
  • Attempting to close out projects including West Poplar and G Avenues and the police department ADA ramp. The goal is to close out the projects, collect grant funds and awards to pay off expiring short term notes which were used to fund these projects.
  • The Lake Avenue bulkhead project will be completed by Thanksgiving, including retaining walls (backfilled to ordinance height), sidewalks repairs and installation of a vault cover. Landscaping will be completed in spring, 2024.
  • NJ DOT inspected W. Pine Avenue and requested corners be redone in compliance with ADA regulations. The contractor will return shortly.
  • Currently waiting for three bids regarding the HVAC repairs. The roof will be sealed in the spring.



  • Dogs are permitted on the beach effective November 1st.
  • The street sweeper has been winterized and will not be used again until spring, 2024.
  • Maintenance of public works and police vehicles and public works equipment.
  • Pick up bulk trash and yard waste.
  • Completed a punch list of OSHA requirements.
  • Volunteers are needed for the Shovels Program. Sign up of homeowners requesting snow removal is welcomed.  There is an application on the Borough website.


  • The average of all operating accounts stands at 66% expended to date as compared to 83% for the year complete (10 months).
  • A Fair Share Housing informational mailing will be sent next week.
  • The Living Shoreline project update – the Borough responded to FEMA submitted questions and the project is back in the evaluation phase. Commissioner Segrest suggested the Borough will not be notified from FEMA for another year based on the timing of the City of Wildwood’s application and award.
  • One of the three manholes inspected is collapsed and could be the source of the July excess flow. This will result in approximately $40,000 of increased forecast costs next year and an additional back bill for this year.  Deferral of sewer projects, 26th Street control valve etc. will occur to cover the $66,000 approximate cost to replace the collapsed manhole.  Plans are to include a separate bid for the manhole replacement with the Maple Avenue project with the hopes of better pricing.
  • Approximately 56% of the recent bond will be reimbursed with awards and grants.


PUBLIC SAFETY (293 calls for service):

  • Six local ordinance violations.
  • Motor vehicle stops totaled 16 during the month of October as well as 4 parking complaints/violations.
  • Four animal complaints and eight general complaints were noted.
  • There were 13 medical assists/well-being checks and 171 property checks.
  • One water rescue assist.

A free shredding event is scheduled for Saturday, November 11th from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm in front of borough hall.  Bring your boxes and they will be lifted into the shred truck for you.

The December regular meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday, December 6th at 9:00 am in Borough Hall so as not to conflict with holiday festivities.


  • Two alternate members of the Borough of West Wildwood Planning Board moved up, Mark Britton and Mark Zigmut.
  • Concerned residents around Arion and Magnolia Avenues presented the mayor with information on a pump to help with draining water from the area. The borough is aware of a damaged outfall pipe on Poplar Avenue.  A camera has been requested to determine how to resolve the standing water.
  • Three county owned valves at F Avenue, K Avenue and the bridge should be replaced within the year.
  • Water flowing over and leaking through bulkheads contribute to the flooding problems and higher sewer flow rates. The newly passed bulkhead ordinance may provide some recourse,

but not until 2030. Code enforcement and zoning is following up on several bulk heads that are in serious disrepair.  Commissioner Banning agreed to review the new ordinance for homeowner maintenance requirements.

  • A suggestion was made that if a waterfront home is sold and the existing bulkhead is not in compliance with the new ordinance, the bulkhead must be replaced and brought up to code as part of the property transfer. Currently, the new ordinance will be triggered when a home is raised, demolished or a major renovation occurs.  Also, it was suggested the deadline for bulkhead replacement be amended from 2030 to an earlier date to help with the flooding and flow rates.  The solicitor commented that it is a balancing act to encourage the replacement with challenges to the ordinance; however, he will discuss with the administration and other municipalities and try to “add another tool to the tool kit” to encourage compliance.
  • It was suggested to offer a credit or FEMA incentive to replace bulkheads not in compliance. The FEMA credit was offered in the past to raise homes out of the flood zone. The mayor said the government will not assist with private properties.
  • FEMA has not provided a timeline for The Living Shoreline Project.
  • The Fair Share Housing Program would not be an option to replace bulkheads. The program is restricted to resident, low-income homeowners and focuses on home improvements, not infrastructure.
  • Once the collapsed manhole is replaced, the CMCMUA would not adjust the Borough sewer rates for the upcoming 2024 season. The 2024 rates are based on the 2023 flow rates.  Hopefully, the manhole replacements and repairs will positively impact the 2024 flow rates and reduce the Borough’s sewer rates in 2025.
  • The part time code enforcement officer is Jim Dodd. He is also a member (Sergeant) of the Borough of West Wildwood police department. If there is a code enforcement emergency and Jim Dodd is not available, a police officer will be sent out.  The calls regarding code violations typically are screened by the borough office and Deputy Clerk Carl O’Hala.
  • Based on public comments from the meeting, Mayor Ksiazek promised to discuss the bulkhead ordinance and flooding concerns further with the administration and solicitor. They are aware of the problems, but there are no easy solutions.
  • A resident gave a shout out to the police officer who treated Trick or Treaters to candy.

We encourage you to listen to the audio from the meeting to have a better understanding of actual comments.

Best regards,
The CTWWW Advisory Council

Trish Sinnott – President
Mary Anne Welsh – Secretary
Jim Bannan – Director
Susan Czwalina – Treasurer
Vacant – Vice President
Vacant – Director
Vacant – Director
Vacant – Director

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