Newsletter 10-11-2018

Newsletter 10-11-2018


A number of people asked about the flooding on K Avenue in the area of Arion and Magnolia.  Vince Desanto has been very aggressive at finding who is working this issue an understanding when it will be corrected.  The CTWWW Advisory Council also contacted Chris Ridings to get answers.  The Response from Chris was the part was on order and will be installed as soon as it is available.  Vince got more details from the county engineer as noted in the discussions below.  I also included feedback on the problem from Lew Meehl.  Thank you everyone for assisting in the visibility and resolution of this issue.

Note to Joe Segrest from Vince Desanto:

I was wondering if CTWWW has a Facebook page. I called the Cape May county engineer about the broken valve at k and poplar. We had water every high tide. I would like to share my info. Thanks Vince

Second note to Joe Segrest from Vince Desanto

I finally talked to Carl at township office and he gave me the name of the Cape May county engineer. Bob Church. He has yet to get back to me about the water problem that has been going on all summer. I understand that a valve at K and poplar is the problem. I was told by a township supervisor the problem is being taken care of. I found out later the county just came out to look at it. Please let people know that I am working on this problem. Since no one seems to care. Thanks Vince

Note from County Engineer to Vince Desanto:


Please be advised that the County is aware that the tideflex valve located at “K” Street in West Wildwood is not functioning as designed.  The County has been to the site to measure the valve’s outside diameter and has passed this information onto our drainage contractor.  Currently the County has a maintenance drainage contract in place to address these types of issues that arise throughout the County . Our contractor has placed an order for the replacement valve and he has been instructed to remove and replace the valve as soon as the new one is available.  Based upon the lead time of previous valves that have been ordered, we would anticipate the contractor replacing the valve within a month or so.  Once I have an updated schedule from our contractor, I will let you know of the exact date when the work will take place.  The actual installation will take less than 1 day.


Thank you and I will keep you posted.



County Engineer


Note to County Engineer from Vince Desanto


I appreciate you getting back to me. The flooding has been a challenge since mid-summer with each high tide. As you can imagine we are frustrated that we can’t park in front of our house plus the damage to the grass it’s causing. I look forward to hearing from you for the update of the valve replacement.


Thank You,

Vince DeSanto

Note from Lew Meehl on the flooding issue:

An issue for me is flooding at the intersection of Arion and Magnolia. Lately it seems any high tide fills the intersection and well north on Magnolia. With average rain storms the flooding increases. As well I have water that will not drain from my property, unless I run three portable pumps. At times I cannot be there and the mosquito infestation thrives. Even the mosquito commission worker comes every summer to take samples. At Arion and the canal there is a flood gate. I wonder why it is not closed unless the release of water into the bay is necessary. Most high tides come in thru the out-flow pipe then up thru the inlets to produce flooding. Hell, you can even see minnows swimming.  I would ask what genius engineer suggesting the street repaving and sidewalks be raised. Thus standing water, mosquitoes, and my electricity to run pumps for hours. Maybe this is not news to you and maybe I don’t understand the proper operation of the flood gate.  Lew Meehl

                                        CTWWW Advisory Council

Trish Sinnott – President              Susan Czwalina – Director   Bob Bradley – Director

Joe Kline – Vice President            Nancy Doherty – Director     Paul Matuszak – Director

Mary Anne Welsh – Treasurer     Joe Segrest – Secretary       Jim Bannan – Director

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