Newsletter 11-20-2018

Newsletter 11-20-2018

The Advisory Council has been working diligently, with the assistance of an Attorney,  on the Ferentz lawsuit that resulted in the 1.7M verdict against the borough.  A detailed nine page letter highlighting the timeline and decisions made by our current administration regarding the suit, was sent to key New Jersey government officials.  
Here is an update:
1.  The letter entitled, “Petition for Investigation into Official Misconduct in the Borough of West Wildwood, New Jersey” was accepted and deemed a formal complaint which means that attention was given to it by the selected agencies.
2.  The US Attorney’s Office for the District of NJ issued a response.  The prosecutor in the corruption unit gave the matter serious consideration.  Unfortunately, his office does not believe that this is a federal matter.  His office also has concerns about the amount of time that has passed since that actual misconduct in 2012.  Still, the primary reason that his office is not going to get involved is the lack of a federal crime.  It was recommended that we pursue the matter at the local and state level, which has been done.
2.  The County Prosecutors Office and the State Attorney General have not contacted our attorney as of yet.
4.  The Local Finance Board (LFB) will not comment until criminal investigation was completed.  
6.  Melanie Walter, Acting Director of the Division of Local Government Services will be contacted to schedule a meeting with our attorney and members of the counsel to reinforce the lack of trust and confidence among the WWW taxpayers.
We will update you as information is received.

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